We will have our regular worship  service, baptism, and picnic at Ronceverte Island Park 10:00 a.m. Sunday August 4

 It's  Personal  Growth  Group  Wednesdays  6:00-7:30 P.M .

 It's  Personal  Growth  Group  Wednesdays  6:00-7:30 P.M .

Celebrating 40 years of Equipping God's  People To Do His Work


Live Stream

For those unable to attend the gathered church each week we welcome you to join us live here each Sunday at 10 am.  You may also join us on YouTube, our Church app and Facebook. Be sure to keep notifications turned on in the app to receive information about other online ministry programs.

It's Personal  
July 17-August 20  6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

What if knowing the answers to five simple questions could give a young person hope? In a generation where too many kids feel invisible and ignored, your presence could be the beacon of hope they need. So, from this moment, we invite you to step into someone else's life, to be the one who makes a difference.

If you need an example of what that looks like, follow along as we revisit the story of Zacchaeus to discover how Jesus gives us a simple model of how to be personal. Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus shows us how to personally engage kids and teenagers to give them a renewed sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. In a world where kids are known by a number on a jersey, digits on a carpool tag, and random usernames, we need more adults who will stop and take the time to know them personally.  Something remarkable can happen when you start seeing people the way Jesus sees them.

Devoting your time to answer the questions in this book for a kid, teenager, or young adult could be the catalyst for a profound change in their faith, and perhaps even in yours. This is an open study of the book: It's Personal for us to read it at home and meet to discuss the five questions in a group. This six-week group discussion begins Wednesday, July 17 through August 21 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. and is facilitated by Inez Reyes & Dave Beavers 

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